Classy and Funky and Fun!

Classy and Funky and Fun!

I saw this on Pinterest, but the picture was really small and the website only had the one picture. So it took me awhile to figure out the color sequence. I thought it looked so sophisticated and classy, but fun and funky at the same time.

The colors (starting from the right hand pinky) Nirvana – Sinful Colors, Nomadic in Nude – Color Club, Blazed – Wet ‘n Wild, New Bohemian – Color Club, Shabby Drab – Color Club.

I also redid my toes, because the rhinestones didn’t survive my shoes. I saw this sparkley pattern for fingers, but I thought it would look great on piggys. The white is Snow Me White by Sinful Colors, with a topcoat of sparkles. So much glitter!