Shower of Sparkles

Shower of Sparkles

Ok, so I realized I didn’t leave my Avengers on that long. But that’s ok, this is supposed to be fun, and I am having fun. 🙂 I moved on to the Third Place in my nail polish poll, which was a purple base with a shower of sparkles going toward the nail tip. If you click here you can see the Inspriation Nail. As you can see, mine turned out a little different, but that’s ok, because at least I tried it.

The other thing I tried was a new nail tool, the Sally Hansen Mistake Pen (for lack of a better name). It’s basically nail polish remover in a pen, for cleaning up cuticles or correcting little mistakes. I think it worked really well, and it didn’t have an overpowering smell either. I would recommend it if those little edges really bother you, which as a slightly OCD person, they do me. 🙂

I have a sort of a milestone; I have 6 followers! I know it’s not alot, but to me its pretty cool that people are interested in what I’m doing here. So to all my followers, thank you very much!